European Projects


European Projects

ESCO ITALIA develops and supports cooperation projects funded through the European Commission programmes. In its role as Partner, stakeholder and qualified consultant, it is able to offer support at all stages of the project, from the combination of a design idea with the line of financing, to the management and accounting.

In cooperation with companies, institutions, government agencies, research institutes and associations, Esco Italia contributes to the European research and innovation objectives, valorising the best solutions and practices in Italy.

The CEO, Claudio G. Ferrari, already a reference figure on a national level in this sector, is a member of the Italian “Energy” Board of Horizon 2020, a major European programme.

ESCO ITALIA boasts participation in leading European projects, some of the most important of which include:

Research Fellowship Programme - ReTRaCe European Inter-University Project as hosting Partner for highly qualified researchers in the field of Circular Economy and emission reduction.
EPC Plus - Energy performance Contracting Plus, of which it is the sole Italian partner for the EPC within the context of small-to-medium companies
TransparEnSe - Increasing Transparency of Energy Service Markets, due to acceding to the EPC Code of Conduct
Trust EPC South - Building Trust in Energy Performance Contracting in Southern European Countries, in the role of stakeholder for the Esco sector
Change Best - Promoting the development of the EES Market, of which it has been a partner for the Italian practice
I-FEEL -Italian Financing for Energy Efficiency of Local Authorities, implemented with regional funding.

In addition to research and innovation projects, basing on a solid experience in specific business areas as well as in the international stakeholders' network, Esco Italia is a reliable partner for bidding in international tenders.

Esco Italia has been selected as part of the institutional coaching program Tender Lab, promoted by the Italian foreign Trade and Investment Agency and by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, aiming to train experts and enhance the professional capacity of SMEs in the field of International Tenders.

Esco Italia's in-depth focuses on:
- Bids and contract procedures of the European institutions
- Preparation of tenders and offers for the World Bank
- UN procurement for the main UN agencies (ILO, IFAD, FAO, WFP)

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